Monday, February 25, 2013

Lester looks great in first start of rebound season

JUPITER, Fla. -- Those with faulty laptops or tortoise-like home computers fully grasp the concept of reboot or reset, not to mention the unavoidable third partner, regret. Jon Lester, a predominant figure in the Red Sox's summer of discontent in 2012, is quite familiar with the regret part. He was introduced to it in July. Since then he has yanked the plug from the outlet, disconnected the battery and waited the recommended 30 seconds, also known as the offseason.
Now, to mix the metaphor, his canvas is clear. And this 29-year-old left-handed pitcher who is hardly unfamiliar with masterpieces is preparing to paint again.
The first brush strokes of any significance came Sunday afternoon in sweltering Roger Dean Stadium. If Lester wasn't in midseason form -- and how could he be? -- at least the temperature was. He threw 24 pitches to six Cardinals batters, retiring all, including the three in the second inning on merely six pitches. As if any of that numerology means anything in February. The outcome of the Sox's first Spring Training game -- they won, 5-3 -- wasn't of much import either.
To a pitcher as accomplished as Lester, February usually is about getting back on the bump and doing what he's been doing for most of his adult life. A change of calendar and little else. This February is different because last July was different; also uncomfortable, grotesque and, he hopes, forgettable in every way.
So there he was Sunday, after a winter of "digging through the bad to find the positives." After a poor Mets season under his guidance, Joe Torre once likened that chore to picking through bologna skins, ketchup-stained napkins and yokey egg shells to find the inadvertently discarded $5 bill.
"Five dollars is always useful," Torre said, decades before he earned his first five million.
Consider Lester's first attempts at command of his fastball to be worthy of one Lincoln. Manager John Farrell noted how the second-inning strikes found the bottom of the zone, a truly Lester-like attribute. The manager also spoke of his pitcher's change of pace. Lester said he threw just one; must have been one of a Bugs Bunny quality.
Jasper's thoughts:  "Great to See Lester go out and have a great start.  Haven't seen that in a while!  This is a great sign that 2012 is now behind us!"

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