Saturday, June 29, 2013

Column--5/26/13 (Doyle)

Many know him as Senator.  A few as professor.  William T. Doyle has many titles.  But one of them could be Vermont’s biggest baseball fan.
            You might recognize Sen Doyle’s name for being Johnson State College’s most senior faculty, or maybe for being Vermont’s longest serving state senator.  You also can’t attend a chicken pie supper in Washington County without seeing Sen. Doyle’s face.  But another place where you can always count on seeing Sen. Doyle is in the front row at Recreation Field sitting just a few seats to his left of home plate at almost every Vermont Mountaineers home game.
Sen. Doyle has been a member of the board of the Vermont Mountaineers since the beginning in 2003.  But Doyle’s baseball interests started long before the Mountaineers.
            “I grew up in a baseball family,” Doyle told me.  His brother once started an essay by saying, “I love baseball and I love seeing it played.”  Though the little town on the Jersey Shore was too small for a school, Doyle found himself playing outfield and batting fourth for the Lawrenceville School.  It was a long time ago, but Doyle can still share his fond memories of playing that team.  He can recall the exciting memory of meeting 10-time all star and Dodger captain Pee Wee Reese and eight-time all star Gil Hodges after one of his games.  “I had never met a major leaguer in my life,” said Doyle. “For him to say that we had a pretty good team made us all Dodger fans for life.”
            “I still remember all of the players that I played with,” Doyle says.  But perhaps the person who he got along with best was his coach. “I had great respect and admiration for our coach.  Many times I’d sit with him [on the bus rides].”
            After his time at the Lawrenceville School, Doyle went on to Princeton University where he got his Bachelor’s degree and played JV baseball.  “Most of the career took place before Princeton.  Lawrenceville School was the highlight.  I played JV at Princeton, which just isn’t the same as being on varsity.”  Doyle went on to get his Master’s and Ph.D from Columbia University.
            But after his college career ended, Doyle didn’t give up baseball.  He came here to Vermont and was elected into the state senate for the first time in 1968.  He was then an active member of the community, taking part in local softball leagues, in which he got the opportunity for the first time to play on historic Recreation Field, coaching Little League and Babe Ruth baseball, and even becoming Central Vermont’s doubles champion alongside his partner in the early 70s.
            Playing all of these sports helped Doyle do even more than just stay in shape. “I think it’s a great advantage for people running for office to play sports,” said Doyle.  “I didn’t play in the Montpelier league for political reasons but its certainly good for name recognition.”
            For many, at the end of their playing time they give up on sports.  But giving up doesn’t seem to be in Sen. Doyle’s vocabulary.  Doyle turned his attention to the Mountaineers just before their first season in 2003.  He stayed involved by becoming a member of the original board of the Mountaineers.  “All the major cities in our nation want a baseball team.  For a relatively small group of people to put it together I think is rather amazing.  Lots of credit goes to Brian [Gallagher] and many others.  I can say personally that it’s probably the best thing that ever happened to Central Vermont.”
            “Bill has featured us on his TV program many times.  He also donated money out of his own pocket to buy the team the bats that they wanted for that year.”  Said Mountaineers GM Brian Gallagher who Doyle says “is the cattle of the organization.”
            In his time with the Mountaineers, Doyle became close to seven time all star and hall of famer Robin Roberts.  “He was a story teller.” Said Doyle.  “I remember one night at the [Capitol] Plaza he talked for half and hour then he took questions.  He was a total winner. Most people don’t realize how articulate he is.  I’ve interviewed him on public TV and written columns about him.”  Doyle has also given Roberts the behind the scenes tour of the state house taking him into the governors office and letting him bang the gavel on the senate floor.
            To this day, Doyle continues to be a member of the Mountaineer board, and will air his 1,000th TV show on public access TV this year.  “I am definitely looking forward to another great season with the Mountaineers.” Said Doyle.  Much like his brother, Sen. Doyle told me that he “loves baseball and loves seeing it played.”

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